Il trono di spade 2011–2019 WEB.1080p New Episode Torrent Link
Nine noble families fight for control of Westeros, and an ancient enemy returns after millennia of inactivity. George R.R. Martin’s wife once said she would leave him if he killed either his wife or Sansa. Tywin Lannister: Any man who has to say “I am king” is not a true king. During the opening credits, each actor’s name is accompanied by the crest of his/her character’s house.. Hollywood Top Ten: Critics' Choice Nominees: Drama (2011). The title track (uncredited) was written and performed by Ramin Djawadi. As we prepare for House of the Dragon, let’s look back at the brilliance that was Game of Thrones. Seasons 1-6 are truly great television, with The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Wire, among the best. Season 7 was a dip in quality but still quite enjoyable, then came season 8, which was a blunder of epic proportions. A rushed, boring, boring ending and a slap in the face to fans new and old. That being said, nothing can take away from the wild, brilliant and emotional journey of Game of Thrones 1-6 that defined a decade and changed pop culture forever. I like to believe it was canceled after season 6 and we never get a real ending 😉
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